
Eagles are warm-blooded animals, have wings and body covered with feathers midrib. As birds, hawks breed by laying eggs that have a hard shell in the nest he made...

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Tigers or leopards belong to the phyla of the animal kingdom kordata (having a spinal cord), sub-phylum vertebrata (vertebrates), class of mammals (warm blooded, furry with mammary glands), meat eaters (carnivores), the family Felidae (cat), Panthera genus, species tigris (tiger).....

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Jalak Bali

Jalak Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) is a kind of babbler bird of medium size, approximately 25cm long, from the tribe Sturnidae. Jalak Bali has specific characteristics, among them a white feather in her entire body except at the tip of the tail and wings black.....

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Badak Jawa

Javan rhinoceros or a small-horned rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is a member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of the five rhinoceros that still exist. Rhino gets into the same genus with Indian rhino and have skin that resemble armor bermosaik.....

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President of IAAPA Admire the Safari Park

President of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), Robert S. Rippy, visit wildlife conservation agencies ex-situ (outside the habitat) Cisarua Taman Safari Indonesia.....

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The Caterpillar From the Depth of Our Earth

Animals such as the caterpillar is found far beneath Earth's surface, at a depth of 3.6 kilometers. This is the deepest living animal ever found. Nematode species, called it Halicephalobus Mephisto shows there is life environment where far from our feet stand......

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The discovery of Rare Animals in Indonesia

With the discovery of species of plants and animals under the sea of ​​the archipelago, proved if Indonesia is a country rich in natural wealth, especially wealth of amazing marine resources.Joint expedition team Indonesia - United States (U.S.) in three weeks managed to find dozens of species of plants and animals under the sea archipelago. Arts species that have never seen it immortalized in a video camera and a photo.......

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Loneliness From the Sumatran Tiger

Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is typical of animals that we can still meet in the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, is one of six sub-species of tigers that still survive today and are included in the classification of critical wildlife threatened with extinction (critically endangered) in red list of threatened species released by the IUCN World Conservation Institutions. This is because of illegal logging occurring in Sumatra island which is the original habitat of the Sumatran tiger.........

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Selasa, 31 Mei 2011

Badak Jawa

Javan rhinoceros or a small-horned rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is a member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of the five rhinoceros that still exist. Rhino gets into the same genus with Indian rhino and have skin that resemble armor bermosaik. This rhino has a length of 3.1 to 3.2 m high and 1.4 to 1.7 m. Rhino rhino is smaller than India and more closely in the large body with black rhinoceros. Culanya size usually less than 20 cm, smaller than the other horn rhinoceros species.

This Rhino has become one of the rhinos in Asia the most widely spread. Although called "Java Rhino", the animal was not confined to live in Java alone, but throughout the archipelago, along Southeast Asia and in India and China. The species is now extremely critical status, with few populations found in the wild, and none in zoos. This rhino is probably the rarest mammals on earth. The population of 40-50 rhinos live in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia. The population of Javan rhinoceros in the wild others are located in CaTien National Park, Vietnam with an estimated population of no more than eight in 2007. Reduced Java rhinoceros population caused by poaching for their culanya, which is very valuable in traditional Chinese medicine, with a price of $ 30,000 per kilogram on the black market. Reduced rhino population is also caused by loss of habitat, which is mainly caused by the war, such as the Vietnam War in Southeast Asia also decreases a Javanese rhinoceros population and blocking the remaining pemulihan.Tempat only be in two protected areas, but the Java rhinoceros is still at risk hunted, susceptible to disease and shrinking genetic diversity in breeding causes disturbed.

WWF Indonesia tried to develop a second for Java rhinoceros because if an attack of disease or natural disasters such as tsunamis, volcanic eruptions of Krakatoa and earthquakes, the population of Javan rhino will immediately become extinct. In addition, since the invasion Langkap (Arenga) and competition with the bull for space and resources, the population is increasingly desperate. Regions identified safe and relatively close to the National Park Mist at Mount Salak, West Java who was once the habitat of the Javan rhinoceros.

Javan rhinos can live for 30-45 years in the wild. These rhinos live in lowland rain forest, wet meadows and flood large areas of land. Javan rhino is mostly quiet, except for courtship and child rearing, although a group can sometimes be gathered near the pools and places to get mineral. Rhinoceros adults have no predators as enemies. Javan rhino usually avoid humans, but will attack humans if they feel harassed. Researchers and natural protective rare animals were examined directly because of their rarity and the danger of disturbing an endangered species. Researchers used a camera and fecal samples to measure the health and behavior. Javan rhino is less studied than other rhino species.

Senin, 30 Mei 2011

Jalak Bali

Jalak Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) is a kind of babbler bird of medium size, approximately 25cm long, from the tribe Sturnidae. Jalak Bali has specific characteristics, among them a white feather in her entire body except at the tip of the tail and wings black. The cheeks are not covered in fur, bright blue and the feet are grayish. Males and females alike.

Endemic to Indonesia, the Jalak Bali is only found in the woods west of Bali. This bird is also the only species endemic to Bali and in 1991 was crowned as the fauna symbol of Bali Province. The existence of this endemic animals protected by law.

Because of the beautiful and elegant appearance, Jalak Bali bird became one of the most sought by collectors and bird fancier. Illegal arrest, loss of forest habitat, and the area was found to be very limited bird causing the bird population is rapidly shrinking and threatened with extinction within a short time. To prevent this to happen, most zoos around the world run the Jalak Bali breeding program.

Jalak Bali status as a critically assessed in the IUCN Red List and listed in CITES Appendix I.


Tigers or leopards belong to the phyla of the animal kingdom kordata (having a spinal cord), sub-phylum vertebrata (vertebrates), class of mammals (warm blooded, furry with mammary glands), meat eaters (carnivores), the family Felidae (cat), Panthera genus, species tigris (tiger).

Tigers usually hunt down a rather large prey such as deer, pigs, deer, mouse deer, but will hunt small animals like hedgehogs when a rather large prey does not exist. Although derived from the same family, the tiger is different from the usual small cats, tigers love to swim, and basically scared the cat with water.


Eagles are warm-blooded animals, have wings and body covered with feathers midrib. As birds, hawks breed by laying eggs that have a hard shell in the nest he made. He looked after him until able to fly.

Eagle is a predator. The main food of small mammals like mice, squirrels and chickens. There are some eagle who catch fish  as their main food. Eagle's beak have no teeth but have a strong bent to tear the flesh of prey. This bird also has a pair of strong legs and sharp claws for grasping prey and a sharp power of vision to hunt their prey from a distance.

Eagle has good respiratory system and is able to provide the amount of oxygen that much needed when flying. Eagle heart consists of four chambers like a human. Upper chambers known as atrium, while the lower chamber known as the ventricles.