
Eagles are warm-blooded animals, have wings and body covered with feathers midrib. As birds, hawks breed by laying eggs that have a hard shell in the nest he made...

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Tigers or leopards belong to the phyla of the animal kingdom kordata (having a spinal cord), sub-phylum vertebrata (vertebrates), class of mammals (warm blooded, furry with mammary glands), meat eaters (carnivores), the family Felidae (cat), Panthera genus, species tigris (tiger).....

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Jalak Bali

Jalak Bali (Leucopsar rothschildi) is a kind of babbler bird of medium size, approximately 25cm long, from the tribe Sturnidae. Jalak Bali has specific characteristics, among them a white feather in her entire body except at the tip of the tail and wings black.....

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Badak Jawa

Javan rhinoceros or a small-horned rhino (Rhinoceros sondaicus) is a member of the family Rhinocerotidae and one of the five rhinoceros that still exist. Rhino gets into the same genus with Indian rhino and have skin that resemble armor bermosaik.....

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President of IAAPA Admire the Safari Park

President of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), Robert S. Rippy, visit wildlife conservation agencies ex-situ (outside the habitat) Cisarua Taman Safari Indonesia.....

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The Caterpillar From the Depth of Our Earth

Animals such as the caterpillar is found far beneath Earth's surface, at a depth of 3.6 kilometers. This is the deepest living animal ever found. Nematode species, called it Halicephalobus Mephisto shows there is life environment where far from our feet stand......

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The discovery of Rare Animals in Indonesia

With the discovery of species of plants and animals under the sea of ​​the archipelago, proved if Indonesia is a country rich in natural wealth, especially wealth of amazing marine resources.Joint expedition team Indonesia - United States (U.S.) in three weeks managed to find dozens of species of plants and animals under the sea archipelago. Arts species that have never seen it immortalized in a video camera and a photo.......

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Loneliness From the Sumatran Tiger

Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is typical of animals that we can still meet in the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, is one of six sub-species of tigers that still survive today and are included in the classification of critical wildlife threatened with extinction (critically endangered) in red list of threatened species released by the IUCN World Conservation Institutions. This is because of illegal logging occurring in Sumatra island which is the original habitat of the Sumatran tiger.........

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Senin, 06 Juni 2011

Loneliness From the Sumatran Tiger

Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae) is typical of animals that we can still meet in the island of Sumatra in Indonesia, is one of six sub-species of tigers that still survive today and are included in the classification of critical wildlife threatened with extinction (critically endangered) in red list of threatened species released by the IUCN World Conservation Institutions. This is because of illegal logging occurring in Sumatra island which is the original habitat of the Sumatran tiger.
With a characteristic that an easy to understand which have the darkest color of all other tiger subspecies, the black pattern width and the distance is sometimes tightly attached. Male Sumatran tigers average length 92 inches from the head to tail, or about 250cm long from head to foot with the weight 300 pounds or about 140kg, while the height of an adult males can reach 60cm. Females average 78 inches in length or about 198cm and weighs 200 pounds or about 91kg. Sumatran tiger stripe is thinner than other tiger subspecies.
Sumatran tiger could live anywhere, from the lowland forests to mountain forest, and lived in many places which no protected. Only about 400 individuals lived in the nature reserve and national parks, and the rest scattered in other areas are cleared for agriculture, there are also approximately 250 males were reared in the Zoo all over the world . Sumatran tigers face threats will lose their habitat because the area of its spread, such as blocks of lowland forest, peat and threatened mountain rain forest clearing for agricultural land and commercial plantations, as well as encroachment by illegal logging and road construction activities. Thus the population of endangered Sumatran Tiger obviously because this situation is very alarming.

Minggu, 05 Juni 2011

The discovery of rare animals in Indonesia

With the discovery of species of plants and animals under the sea of ​​the archipelago, proved if Indonesia is a country rich in natural wealth, especially wealth of amazing marine resources.

Joint expedition team Indonesia - United States (U.S.) in three weeks managed to find dozens of species of plants and animals under the sea archipelago. Arts species that have never seen it immortalized in a video camera and a photo.

Using the vessel Okeanos Explorer from the U.S. and Baruna Jaya IV of Indonesia, the expedition team had ended the mission on 14 August. After seeing a number of photographs and video footage, Thursday, August 26, 2010, the research team estimates that there are at least 50 species of plants and animals that have never been seen before.

The scientists were impressed by this invention and acknowledged that Indonesia has a wealth of incredible marine resources. "During his career as a researcher I just saw some rare species. But on this expedition, I was amazed at the incredible diversity of species, "says Verena Tunnicliffe. professor from the University of Victoria in Canada after seeing a number of images that recorded the expedition team.

Timothy Shank of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute in Massachusetts revealed that he and his team managed to record more than 150,000 high-definition video footage.

"I feel there are at least 40 new species in deep-sea coral and at least 50 new species are similar to shrimp, clams, sponges, mussels, and others," said Shank.

However, confirmation that the species was really new seems to require further study and it could take many years. Expedition team using advanced sonar mapping systems and robotic vehicles to explore the seabed in an area of ​​54,000 square kilometers in the waters of Sangihe Talaud, the northern part of Indonesia.

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Sabtu, 04 Juni 2011

The Caterpillar From the Depth of Our Earth

Animals such as the caterpillar is found far beneath Earth's surface, at a depth of 3.6 kilometers. This is the deepest living animal ever found. Nematode species, called it Halicephalobus Mephisto shows there is life environment where far from our feet stand.
Halicephalobus Mephisto Mephisto has a length of 0.5 millimeters. "Small, but for me this is a major finding," said Tullis Onstott, geomikrobiologi expert from Princeton University in New Jersey. The caterpillars live by eating microbes.
Onstott and Gaƫtan Borgonie, caterpillar expert from the University of Ghent, Belgium, found Halicephalobus Mephisto in the gold mines in South Africa. They drilled in the gold mine to take water from the depths. The team found these caterpillars after 31,582 liters of water.
The team also found that the species of caterpillar that has existed since thousands of years. Based on isotopic dating indicates that the species of caterpillar are from between 3,000 and 12,000 years ago. "It indicates the animal has evolved to survive the high heat and pressure,"explained the researchers.
Onstott hope this discovery will inspire other research to find a more complex lives in extreme places, both on Earth and elsewhere.
Onstott research is also the aftermath of the bacterial species found around a depth of 3 kilometers. Onstott want to know another life that eat bacteria and narrow the research to nematodes - known as a form of life on Earth that can survive in various conditions. (Source: National Geographic News, Ars Technica)

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

President of IAAPA Admire the Safari Park

President of the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA), Robert S. Rippy, visit wildlife conservation agencies ex-situ (outside the habitat) Cisarua Taman Safari Indonesia, Bogor Regency, West Java, which is also one of the national tourist attraction. "The visit of President IAAPA it was held on Wednesday (04/27/2011) last week," said Director Frank Manansang Taman Safari Indonesia in Cisarua, Monday (05/02/2011).
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